My firstborn!

It was an extremely long labor ( 62 1/2 hours) but when he arrived he was so perfect. I never even noticed his two little web toes on each foot until the doctor pointed it out. I guess other’s might have thought that was an imperfection but to me it was special. At that time my husband even suggested that we take our son for corrective surgery on his toes but I firmly told him, “No!” Later in life my son would appreciate that his mom stood up for him at such a young tender age to not separate those little tiny toes. They turned out to be sort of his special trademark and he was proud of them. He would even show his friends and the girls. We also use to lovingly tease him that those toes made him such a good swimmer.

Right from the beginning he was hard work but I was use to hard work so I didn’t think much of it. I just thought kids were hard work in general so all of this was typical. He wasn’t fussy all of the time like you would hear some other mom’s complain of their babies. But when he was fussy you would know it. He just happened to be more intense right from the beginning, When he was good he was great and when he fussy he was intense. I just handled it. I mean what else is one to do?

My son seemed to reach all his developmental milestones okay in that first year. As a matter of fact, some of the stuff he did even earlier then what the books said he ought to do. He held his head up in the hospital. He rolled over just shy of five months old.. He crawled at 7 months. And he walked at eleven months and two days. The one thing he wasn’t very good at was sleeping though. And of course, if he didn’t sleep neither did I. As I said before he was a happy baby for the most part but when he was fussy or mad it was hard. Other’s told me I better not give in to him. So one day I put him in the crib to go to sleep and he screamed. He screamed so hard that he vomited all over the place. I bathed him and then he ended up right next to me in bed between my husband and I. He would continue to stay there for years. Of course after that, other’s might see it as I gave in. In reality, I am glad I “gave in” because even at that young age I know and learned that he really needed me.

When he started to babble a few words I didn’t really realize at first that his vocabulary should have probably been more by eighteen months old. He was my first child so this was all new to me. However , his language did continue to progress but his articulation just wasn’t there. Being his mom for the most part I tended to understand him though.

Although my son had in home childcare for the two days I went to my office I decided I would put him in a Montessori School. I figured this would help him developmentally and socially since he was an only child at the time. He entered the school when he was just under two. He didn’t seem happy but it was new so I gave it some time. I stood in the hallway waiting to hear the crying stop before I left. Eventually, it did. It seemed like forever… As time passed it seemed apparent that he didn’t enjoy school so much. I questioned the teachers and they assured me he was okay. But as more time passed he began to scream when we approached the building. He would scream the same thing over and over. “ICKY, ICKY!” I could not figure out what was going on. Although my son spoke in words he could not put sentences together. Then one day I picked him up and his face was scratched I questioned the staff as to what had happened. I was told that another child had scratched him but they could not tell me who. I really didn’t care who the other child was. I was just interested that my son would be kept safe. Again another incident occurred. My son also continued to scream when we approached the school. One day when I was dropping him off I heard the aide say, “VICKY, come over here.” It then clicked “VICKY” was “ICKY”. Now I knew why my son did not want to go to school. I spoke to the teachers again however, when I picked him up on another day he was scratched again. This time the scratches were deep and it was right near his eye. I then pulled my son out of this school. And my son actually still has the scars up until this very day right near his brow. It tends to add to his character and makes him look a bit more distinguished if you imagine that. This was the beginning of our story….

Copyrighted 2011: danadogooder and DMT

About danadogooder

Happily married for 20 years except when he is pissing me off! ' Mommy of 3 boys, a yellow female lab named Curious, 2 kitties Trouble and Kornelia, and bird and fish! Yes, we have a Zoo! Love to cook, entertain, and travel. I give new meaning to, "You can't fight city hall" Cause I fought worse, "Yes, The Board of Ed! " I live in a houseful of ADHD, Dyslexia, Auditory Processing, Sensory Integration and Allergies!!! I love being a Mom, to have fun and am always joking around! My job titles are: Wife, Mommy, Advocate, Friend, Maid, Cook, Self Employed Business Owner among many others!
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16 Responses to My firstborn!

    • danadogooder says:

      Yep, Went to the hospital on Friday and did not deliver till Sunday at 5:27 p.m.. Vacuum extraction, I was severely swollen, bladder failure, on a catheter for a week after delivery, etc.. That was my first delivery!!!

  1. Nancy says:

    Dana, THIS is it. You’re writing that book : ) Great story.
    I enjoy how you express the labor and trials as the tough NJ gal you are without
    whining. You are blessed indeed. Now go and DRINK some iced tea : ) xo

    • danadogooder says:

      Okay, I know you’ll never believe this but when I am in labor I am very QUIET, no whining or yelling. Perhaps a groan or two! 🙂 My first labor and son prepared me for all others. It was a piece of cake after that!!!

  2. maria says:

    Dana, i remember your first delivery…. and how difficult it was…… i remember you calling me and telling me you were on the couch and how your bladder hurt…….you beat me by 26 hours in labor… i was in labor for 36 hours…Ouch….then a C-section…… All worth it though …….. keep blogging

    • danadogooder says:

      Thank you. It was actually the cathetor that was uncomfortable, not that my bladder hurt. So hard to try and take care of a newborn, breastfeed when you have a catheter, end up with an infection, and feeling like crap. Good thing I have a good husband (thanks to you, wink!) but I never wanted to share my baby. Blog. Blog, Blog I got lots of stories, thanks! Maybe I’ll write one about you! LOL!

  3. shannon says:

    Dana, This is BRILLIANT!!! You are such a great writer!!!

  4. Dana, I can’t wait to read more of your story. Keep it up girl!!!

  5. willam schoner says:

    Hey, I loved it, very descriptive !

  6. JoAnne Hoekstra says:

    Dana, This is better than any TV show or movie….

  7. Lauren Zingaro-Toth says:

    Hi Dana, your story on the reading task force is so compelling. Your children are so lucky to have you. OG should be implemented in every classroom as a matter of course. I hope NJ serves you better in years to come! Tell Anthony I said “hi”. I feel like an old lady……he is a young man now! Lauren (miss z.)

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